Use the calculator to find out a rough potential of cost savings by using Groundhawk instead of traditional mapping and documentation. Estimate the current situation at your worksites and see the difference.
Here is a rough estimation on the annual cost-saving potential you could achieve by using Groundhawk. Learn more in details how the calculation is done.
+ Streamlined projects =
+ Avoided accidental cuts =
+ Avoided extra mapping costs =
Your annual cost savings in total =
The estimation is based on these default values on the benefits Groundhawk brings to its users.
(Groundhawk customer survey 2023)
Cost-saving per one accidental cable cut avoided.
Groundhawk can guide you with precision on where you should do the trenching if you load plans and in some markets the cadastral map is also visible ensuring digging is done on the right property. On average an error can easily costs 5.000 euros or more.
Meters of cable mapping per month.
You don't need external mapping services as the contractor uses Groundhawk to map and document. Assumption in the calculation is that an average team digs 100m trench / day = 2km /month.
Time savings in avoided manual reporting, site visits and problem solving per week per team.
The calculation is based on the assumption that one project manager can save 2h / team / week in less reporting, site visits (incl. driving), and problem solving when getting reports from the site and seeing the progress in real-time.
Time savings in avoided clarifying work per month per contractor team.
The calculation is based on the assumption that one documentation person saves 2h / month / team due to data requiring less clarification time, calling project people etc.
Please notice that this is a rough estimation of the potential cost savings and indicates how you could calculate your internal business case for using Groundhawk. Our sales is happy to discuss this more in detail with you.
Save on measurement costs
Speed up the completion of contracts
Fulfill the required measurement accuracy
Ensure the quality with image data
Discover how using Groundhawk changes underground cable mapping and real-time as-built documentation.